Two of our team members successfully complete the Introductory Course on FIDIC Contracts

After five months of intensive training, Nicole Camarena and José Francisco Inga, attorneys at CDR/Consulting, have successfully completed the “FIDIC Contracts Introductory Course” at the FIDIC Academy in Geneva.

Recognized as the leading online training course in the industry, the program has been officially accredited by the CPD Certification Service. In its nine sessions, crucial topics such as the history of FIDIC contracts, contract documents, parties’ responsibilities, project management, post-completion evaluation, contract termination, risks, force majeure, claims, disputes and arbitration were covered.

Nicole Camarena, one of the participants, highlighted the relevance of the course for her professional development: “This program provided me with a deep understanding and practical skills in FIDIC contracts, essential in the global construction industry. Through the course, I learned how to draft, interpret and enforce these contracts, as well as how to resolve disputes and manage claims. It has also strengthened my ability to advise clients on international projects, validating my competence and positioning me apart in the competitive legal market. Additionally, networking with professionals from all over the world has opened new opportunities for collaboration. In short, this course has been an invaluable investment that has significantly enhanced my legal practice and professional standing.”

José Francisco Inga added: “The course is a great experience to deepen, both academically and professionally, in new and innovative aspects of FIDIC contracts. It has also allowed me to interact with experienced specialists in construction law from different parts of the world, which enriches the experience and provides a broader vision of the importance and use of these contracts for the development of infrastructure”.

We congratulate our team members for this achievement and support the constant training of our members to provide a better service to our clients. The “FIDIC Contracts Introductory Course” has left a significant mark on Nicole and José Francisco, equipping them with knowledge and skills that are essential for their professional performance in the field of international construction law.