We are proud to announce that Sophia Gonzales, Senior Attorney at CDR/Consulting, has successfully completed the Investment Arbitration course organized by the prestigious Paris Academy of Arbitration. This program had a rigorous curriculum designed by experts in the field covering all aspects of international commercial arbitration and investment treaties arbitration.
During the course, Sophia had the opportunity to address and deepen different contemporary issues in international arbitration, such as:
- The relationship between arbitration and the constitution.
- The current contradictions between jurisdictions for the enforcement and recognition of international awards.
- The scrutiny of arbitral awards by the ICC.
- The distinction between breach of contract claims in investment arbitration and commercial arbitration.
«This course has been an incredible opportunity to learn and challenge my knowledge of international arbitration alongside arbitrators, professors and colleagues from both the private and public sectors,» says Sophia.
CDR/Consulting congratulates Sophia on this important achievement and reaffirms our commitment to support the continued development of our team. Ongoing education and training are essential to keep us at the leading edge of the legal field and to provide the best service to our clients.